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Doctor, Dentist, and Health care provider ratings

Welcome to eHealthScores - our goal is to help you locate high quality doctors and health care providers that fit your specific care needs. To begin locating your care match we suggest either selecting the profession you are in need of from the list below or starting a search for your city or a specific provider's name in the search box above.

Once you arrive at the profile page of a doctor or other health care provider you will be able to view ratings, services and accepted forms of insurance (when available), pricing, directions, medicare participation, and contact information. You will also be able to leave ratings based upon your experience with their services and view those left by other patients.

It may have taken 13+ years, but we've finally surpassed 5 million total ratings next up, 10 million or more [we hope :)]
With eHS in the most detailed and strongest position yet and with more information than ever. We are working on additional new projects, we hope you will check out if they are relevant to your needs: Hospice Care Locations and Inpatient Choice both of which try to help navigate patients through some of the more difficult times in one's life that are not as well covered on eHS.

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